This morning I attended the funeral of Lois Brooks. A recent widow, for 20 plus years she was almost my sister-in-law. In the first pews sat her immediate family - children and grandchildren. Beyond those seats were neighbors and friends like me who had come to say good-by. Those people and their own memories of her are the legacy she left us.
I remembered episodes of our relationship: She loved to sing and would sing bits and pieces of songs at unexpected times. I loved that about her. Because of her and Wilbur’s winters in Florida, I became a resident there too. I am grateful to her for that as well.
Sitting in church listening and observing I pondered the end of life questions the Pastor was attempting to answer. Why are we here? What happens after we stop breathing? I like to believe that the essence of who we are, our soul or psyche lives on in a new and different way in a spiritual realm I can only speculate on.
Where do we go, how much of the life we had on earth goes with us? . Who really knows the answers to those questions? I guess Lois knows them now. ~pam