Sub-tropical winter here in SW Florida is just a bit unlike winters further north. My daughter, in eastern Colorado, says they’re expecting snow next Wednesday. I know in the Midwest, it could snow by Thanksgiving – or on a mild winter, never snow at all.
What amuses me are the ads I see from the big chain stores here. Knee high boots, leggings, heavy coats, wooly caps and thick gloves. I wonder - do the buyers of Dillards and Macy’s in Port Charlotte, Florida actually stock these things? Are we going to walk in wearing our shorts and sandals in 70 degree weather and purchase this polar wear? Their marketing department is just going with one size fits all. I am a plus size granny and I assure there is no such thing as one size fits all!!!!
My sofa has a big, soft loose cushion to rest your back against. Sophie has claimed it as her spot. She can lay as you see her here, or turn around and bark at neighbors she can see out the window. It won’t be long until she’s made a permanent dished out place. Oh well – I love her more than the sofa. ~pam