
an author's insight

Boat ramp Lake Manatee State Park

On the morning TV show I heard that author Nora Ephron had passed away.  Since I always seem to be behind the times regarding current events, I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t even know who this author was or what she’d written!  Host, Charlie Rose remembered interviewing her several times over the years.  As the videos rolled, I was fascinated!  My morning coffee got cold as I sat there spellbound!  What a remarkable writer she was!
Sophie & Willy wait for breakfast
 Ms Ephron has the gift to be able to put into words the ideas and concepts that are vaguely in our minds but most of us are unable to articulate.  This principle is what makes a gifted writer.  One line she said prompted this entry in my blog.  She said (and I’m paraphrasing) ----

“The concept of what may happen ‘next year’, when you’re 70 is much different than when you are 42”  

Wow! I had been trying to explain to a friend why I am the gypsy I am and why I’m not willing to waste even a minute of these years - the urgency I feel to attack the “bucket list” of things I want to see and do while I still can.  I’ll be 72 this summer and times a-wastin’ !  My mantra could be “Life is short, eat dessert first”!

good by and good riddance, TS Debbie!
Now, on the table beside me sits two of Ms Ephron’s books – “I Remember Nothing” and “I feel Bad About My Neck”.  This adventure will take me far afield, while I sit in my little Travel Trailer waiting out tropical storm Debby as she attempts to drown SW Florida. 


Summer Adventure 2012

This summer is a new adventure with my new (to me) travel trailer.  Instead leaving it to languish in a storage lot, I’ve moved to a State Park as a volunteer for the summer.  This was something I’d explored in a hit or miss fashion before but never quite acted on.  Why did I wait so long?  
Perhaps it was a bit of fear of the unknown?  I’d never done anything like this before.  The stifling attitude of staying with the familiar was part of it.  My inner Gypsy was getting antsy. 

Heck!  Why did I wait so long?  This is a fun adventure but sure doesn’t cost much in gas.  My ‘work’ puts me in touch with others who are RVers as well as the other folks who enjoy State Parks.  As I hear their adventures, I ‘see’ places I may never get to visit, I hear stories about people I’ll never meet, I hear stories of snafu’s, and learn tricks of the RVing life.  Why did I wait so long? 

Changing from a Class C to a pick-up truck and a travel trailer is its own adventure.  Fortunately, no one was watching as I worked at backing my 24 foot Coachmen into its’ spot.  I was studiously remembering the advice I was given.  “Put my hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and slowly move it in the direction I want the trailer to go”.  That worked for awhile.  I pulled forward and backed up again – and again – and again.  Thinking all the while “remember – just do the opposite thing from what comes naturally”.   More pulling forward and backing up.  I wanted to be in the shade of the tree and leave as much space as possible for my awning – but not run completely over the electric and water post.  Back up – pull forward – back up – pull forward.  After awhile, I couldn’t remember which of the ‘opposite’ I was supposed to be doing.  It was hilarious!  Like having my glasses on upside down or something.

At last after about 3 gallons of gas, I’m in my spot for now.  Why did I wait so long to learn how to do this? Inertia? 

I think I’ll blog about that!!                     Thanks for reading.  ~pam & poochies